Can Social Media Create an Over-Inflated Ego?

Have you noticed how you can actually differentiate between those people whose egos are driving their social media communications?  And those who communicate with a genuine spirit of meaningful connectedness?


The ONE Ability that made Nelson Mandela A Great Leader

If you haven’t seen the movie ‘Invictus’ yet, I can highly recommend it.   Apart from a truly astonishing performance by Morgan Freeman as Mandela, this movie beautifully depicts the unmatched, absolutely unique leadership style of Nelson Mandela.

Mandela spent twenty seven years in a tiny prison cell on Robben Island for opposing […]


Healthy Leaders Create Healthy Organizations

“No!  No! No!  This Is Not What I Wanted”

Here’s the scenario.  I will bet that you have been there, done that!  We all have.

You are in a meeting and things are not going well for you.  Others are dismissing your ideas and point of view and they are making decisions that you do […]


Where are the True Leaders?

Interview on The Big Easy

This morning I was interviewed on the WEKZ Big Easy Radio Station. The interviewer, Scott Thompson, asked me some thought-provoking questions and made some excellent comments which I thought I would share with you.  The question I found the most interesting was, “Where are the true leaders … the Thomas Jefferson’s?”  […]


Did Their Egos Get in the Way?

So Sad to Watch Great Leaders Sabotage Themselves with their Egos


Oh No!  That tricky ego at play yet again!  So here is the scenario.  Three great leaders all under the influence of ego.  One of these leaders is actually the President of the USA, another an esteemed Harvard Professor and the third a […]
