Great Leaders Manage their Ego

So there I am, sitting around a boardroom table, some weeks ago, and watching a group of eight executives play ego games with each other. Here are eight talented, educated, experienced, highly paid people who claim to have a common purpose and vision, misusing huge chunks of expensive company time and squandering immense amounts of precious […]


Great Leaders Hold Spirited Meetings

So there I am in a meeting with Dave and his team.   Dave invited me to attend the meeting because, although he had scored exceptionally well on the employee survey, there was one aspect of his style that people found difficult to understand.  He asked me to watch him in action and help him recognize […]


Leadership Skills for the Recession.

Recession Leadership Skills

We are in the midst of a great transformation in Leadership.  Thoughtful and courageous leaders are asking questions like ‘What leadership traits are necessary to be a great leader in this recession?    What kind of leadership behaviors is appropriate now?   What kind of leadership qualities and skills will we need when we come […]
