The Link Between Corporate Culture and Economic Success

It seems to me that some organizations look at culture as though it is something ‘out there’, floating around in the passageways, something that has a life of its own; something that can be measured with culture surveys.

I define culture as, ‘the way things are done around here.’ Think about an organization. It does not […]


Corporate Ego is a Costly Liability

Organizations are now giving serious attention to an unnecessary expense that is hurting their bottom line. Fifty-three percent of businesspeople estimate that ego costs their company 6% to 15% of annual revenue; 21 percent say the cost ranges from 16% to 20%. If we work the math, using the lowest estimated figure of six percent, […]


Profitable Decision Making

By: Sandy Gluckman PhD.
Author of ‘Who’s in the Driver’s Seat; Using Spirit to Lead Successfully’

The ability to make and execute profitable decisions, in a consistent and aligned fashion, is the basis of sustainable growth. Leaders at all levels are accountable for making decisions, large and small, strategic and tactical. Collectively, these decisions will move the […]


Business Team Building, Step 1: Recognizing How Ego Shows Up

So there I am in a meeting room with Fred and five members of his team. Fred had invited me to sit in on a meeting and evaluate what was happening. He said that the team was stuck; that they were completely unable to pull in the same direction. As their leader, accountable for their […]
