Building Spirited Teams

A Spirited Economics™ Team Assessment

The level of spirit in your team can be measured by the number of characteristics of team spirit displayed by the team minus the number of characteristics of little or lack of spirit.
This assessment offers you an understanding of:

a.  How much spirit – or lack of spirit – this team currently displays.
b.  What characteristics the team currently have that can create success.
c.  What characteristics the team currently have that are a barrier to success.

This score is converted into a percentage that indicates the likelihood this team has of achieving their goals.  The score is based on whether the team has the kind of characteristics that can:
an indication of success because teams with spirit:

Reduce Operating Costs
Increase Productivity
Have higher Profit Margins
Make Profitable Decisions
Create a healthy Company Culture
Are Inventive, Creative and Innovative
Increase Customer Satisfaction
Achieve the Strategic Goals
Enhance Revenue

For a FREE Spirited Economics Team Assessment email:

The Workshop: Building Spirited Teams

This is an highly interactive 2-day team building workshop designed to:

  • Include your vision, mission and core strategic goals.
  • Produce long-term behavioral change.
  • Integrate your company’s ‘real world’ issues.
  • Teach and practice behavior and communications skills that build alignment.
  • Encourage challenging dialogue.
  • Birth new ideas and opportunities for the team’s success.

Two Overall Workshop Objectives:

To build switched on teams that:

    • Pull in one direction
    • Energetically, boldly and courageously strive to achieve the vision.
    • Leverage each other’s strengths.
    • Communicate openly and honestly.
    • Take accountability for superior performance.
    • Deliver quantifiable improved productivity.
    • Make and implement profitable, innovative decisions.
    • Share critical information.
    • Use time in a results-focused way.
    • Don’t sweat the small stuff.

To ensure that the team is a quantifiable operating income and financial asset…

You select 2 -3 measures prior to the workshop to be used as before and after measures of success.

About the Building Spirited Teams Workshop

An Engaging and Spirited Delivery

Dr Gluckman uses a highly interactive format that is based on her PhD on whole brain learning and communication and other proven research in how people think, communicate, and what inspires them to act.   Her experiential whole brain processes and tools are designed to create change from the inside-out rather than from the outside-in.

Proven Results

Dr Gluckman’s  Spirited Economics™ Team Building methodology is backed by several decades of experience working with leaders across multiple industries around the globe.


•         Designed to build teams that are compatible with your corporate values.
•         Customized to include your vision, mission and strategic goals.

A Robust Sustainable Approach with Immediate Improvement

The methodology used in the seminar maximizes the teams’ ability to deal immediately and effectively with their ongoing interpersonal and operational challenges,  generating significant and measurable improvement in performance.

Here’s what clients say…

“The company’s performance has improved dramatically. It has been quite amazing to see the kind of contributions coming from people who never contributed much in the past. We are now in much better shape than our competitors.  Dana Buys, President and CEO, Workgroup Solutions

“Your program has been instrumental in assisting me in turning the organization around and increasing sales by 18%.”  Philip Jones, President, Dallas Convention and Visitors Bureau

“This…proved to be a powerful aid in getting through to our employees, some of the principles we are committed to in our ongoing efforts towards a more diverse workplace.“ Larry Solomon, Exec VP Human Resources, Dr Pepper

“Suffice it to say that by the time the top management teambuilding exercise reached conclusion, the change in attitude and the relationship between the team members was incredible.”  Keith Scafturis – General Manager, First National Bank

“It has been a great privilege to have worked with you so closely over the last two years- a period which has marked great changes in our company. That we have succeeded in transforming our company to the extent that we have, is attributable more to your contribution than to any other factor.” Kevin Eborall, Chairman Mining Services Division,  Fraser Alexander Tailings Ltd.

Your workshop proved very conducive to making fast progress in the development of strategic agendas throughout the functions within the company.”  Richard Beardon, President and CEO, American Bottling

“During the intervening three months since your initiative our business has tripled. The seminars you facilitated at Newbridge and the skills you employed have certainly been manifested during this period of extreme growth.” Newbridge Information Services, David Gauthraux Chairman and CEO

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